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Our sectors

We handle exceptional projects in the most challenging and competitive sectors.

We select our project carefully and once the choice is made, we remain a long-term provider of real sustainable economic development to our host countries.


We provide modern private and public infrastructures in Africa such as roads, railways, bridges, airports, tunnels, sewers, electrical grids. We bring innovation, sustainability, and safety to the African design.

Our objectives are to:

-Help the continent be more industrialized,

-Correct the infrastructural and housing deficits,

-Ease and improve standards of living,

Some of our actual projects in Africa include:

-The development and implementation of an innovative water-controlling roads design that can prevent roads destruction in case of heavy torrential rains.

-Construction of water-management drains.

-A multipurpose hydro-power dam for flood control, electricity generation, water treatment, storage and irrigation.

We will soon be starting airports rehabilitation and roads/bridges/railways construction within the continent to answer the need of modernisation and provide more practical services.


Kenaidien Capital Corporation wants to improve the living conditions of the population by focusing on the environmental, economic and social development of countries.

From designing modernized social housing, to developing a new communication network, we are focusing on transforming African countries from what they are now to what they should be in terms of security and development.









We have three main expertise :

– Clean power

– Clean water

– Oil and gas

We want the African population to have access to free and clean water and power even in remote areas because power and water sustain life. We’re more than proud to bring together our experience and our partners’ expertise to meet this challenge.

Clean Power

The access to power is important for the sustainable and resilient development of countries.

With our green-oriented partner we bring:

-Renewable energy solutions;

-Better transmission;

– Better distribution;

-A stronger energy storage system

We are currently collaborating on a power transmission transaction in West Africa.

Having a better power transmission (high voltage) will benefit everyone from households to companies.

The benefits of this project include lower energy bills, reduced emissions, more jobs for the population, improved grid reliability and more efficient power transfer over long distances.

Clean Water

Water is life. 

By the next 30 years, the world’s population is estimated to grow by three billion and 90% will be in the developing world. The countries concerned are already struggling to have access to water. Unless sustainable water solutions are created now, we will be facing a major tragedy and this is what KCC wants to avoid. We believe that a sustained program will enable Africa to be more developed, become self-reliant, stop the dependency on other continents and avoid health crises.

Our actual projects are:

-Free drinkable water by focusing on water treatments and distribution systems as well as ground water exploitation

-Wastewater treatment to remove contaminants from wastewater or sewage and converts it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with minimum impact on the environment hereby increasing accessibility for water level usage.

Oil and Gas

With our partners who are experienced international engineers, we design and implement:




-Processing plants and field facilities.

KCC is collaborating on a significant and life changing oil and gas EPC contract in Nigeria. The project includes developing infrastructures and processing facilities for a gas pipeline in some cities as well as providing the necessary equipment for the transformation of the actual infrastructure.


We deliver mining and metalurgy processing facilities around the world with a special focus for Africa.

Our experienced engineers and geologists partners are specialized in the extraction of valuable minerals and other geological materials from the Earth, usually from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposit.

We want to help African mining and metallurgy companies to have a better position in the international market. Because of a lack of materials and  political barriers, those companies are often left behind despite their great capacities and the quality of their products.

We are actually working with dedicated partners in Nigeria and Ghana for the extraction, treatment and trade of local minerals and the supply of the latest equipment.


Agriculture has an important place in the African economy.

More than 60 percent of the sub-saharan Africa is smallholder farmers, and about 23 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP comes from agriculture.

Yet, Africa’s full agricultural potential remains untapped.

We promote commercial farming and agriculture in a large-scale production of crops and livestock intended for widespread distribution, wholesalers or retail outlets.

We facilitate a sustainable agricultural development and help the African continent reach its full capacity by investing in:

-Developing facilities

-Fertiliser and hybrid seed

-Infrastructure (irrigation, storage, transport, electricity etc.)

-Trade: Farming industries face a strong pressure from global competition and African countries struggle to find and maintain their international position. Remaining competitive requires agribusinesses to operate more efficiently. As an agribusiness partner, KCC treats the different aspects of agriculture as an integrated system. 

We are collaborating for supply chain and the establishment of a trade zone within the African continent.



KCC is successfully executing some of the most complex projects in Africa on EPC and EPCM contracts.


Our clients operate in the biggest industries and rely on us to help them bring their projects to success.